Growing up, we had homework. So as a new teacher, I assigned homework. Nothing special, 1-33 odd on whatever nonsense page we had “learned” that day. In all honesty, I talked and they listened, hardly learning, but that is another can of worms. I graded it, and hated every moment. Then I decided to really think about what I was assigning. Maybe 2 from this section, 3 from that, and always some word problems. Cue late and missing assignments, full lunch sessions of make-up work, etc. I am sure everyone knows the scene. “I am teaching them responsibility” I would tell myself. “But what about the curve of forgetting?” the little voice in my ear would say when I wanted to skip it. Back then, my son was in preschool. He never wanted to sit with me to talk about letters or numbers, but he could build a Lego set for 8 year olds. Then, he started Kindergarten. Besides the adventure of learning that he had ADHD and all that ens...