Reflections from a Hybrid Classroom
I am not an expert in hybrid. Instead this is an effort to reflect on what has gone well and what I plan to adjust as we move forward. Our district has three cohorts: A cohort meets M/Th B cohort meets Tu/Fri C cohort is full distance learning. On the other days, all students tune in via zoom. On Wednesdays, we all do distance learning. The schedule has 48 minute classes, ensuring students can grab their lunch and go, keeping everyone safe. Then, a student support (treated like office hours) wraps up the day. Safety I wear two masks, an N95 mask underneath a cloth one. N95's hurt my ears (more than any other mask so far) but the cloth one holds it to my face. I also have two air filters I brought from home around my desk. This is in addition to the MERV13 filters (85%) effective. The front row of desks (yes, they are in rows, not by choice) have plastic sneeze guards and each student has the option to wipe down their desk with a hydrogen peroxide based app...